TIP #22
If you relapse, immediately identify the cause of your slip, and plan to cope with this problem more effectively in the future.

Tips to Help You Quit Smoking
22 Tips for Staying Tobacco Free
TIP #1

Admit to yourself that you are addicted to tobacco. Don't tell yourself that one smoke, or chew, won't matter... it will.

TIP #2

Take one day at a time. Don't decide to quit forever, just for today.

TIP #3

Avoid tension-building situations. This is not the time to go on a crash diet or tackle a difficult problem.

TIP #4

Stay well rested. Go to bed early every night during your withdrawal period.

TIP #5

Brush or floss your teeth or use a mouthwash when you have the urge to use tobacco.

TIP #6

Stay away from strong temptation, especially in the early stages of your recovery.

TIP #7

Alcohol can weaken your resolve, so avoid drinking.

TIP #8

Limit your contact with tobacco-using friends or relatives.

TIP #9

Take six slow, deep breaths when you have the urge to smoke or use smokeless tobacco. Inhale strength and calmness, and exhale toxic poisons and feelings.

TIP #10

Get adequate exercise. Stretch often, take a short walk, climb a flight of stairs.

TIP #11

Remove all evidence of your addiction from your home, car, and workplace.

TIP #12

Don't carry matches or a cigarette lighter.

TIP #13

Drink water or fruit juice - fluid intake lessens cravings. However, avoid coffee or other beverages you associate with smoking or using smokeless tobacco.

TIP #14

Reward yourself regularly for quitting.

TIP #15

Save the money that you are not spending on tobacco and buy yourself a meaningful gift.

TIP #16

Ask your dentist, physician, or pharmacist about using nicotine-replacement therapy products, and follow his or her professional advice.

TIP #17

Increase your support system. Enlist your family, friends, coworkers, and or health care providers to give you ongoing support.You don't fail if you have a slip or a relapse, but only if you don't keep trying to quit.

TIP #18

Call a supportive friend when you feel the need to use tobacco. Share your feelings with this person.

TIP #19

Tell others that you are quitting and encourage someone else to quit. This will make you more accountable.

TIP #20

Find ways to handle stressful situations without a "nicotine fix."

TIP #21

Never get too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. These emotional states can lead you right back to tobacco use.

TIP #22

If you relapse, immediately identify the cause of your slip, and plan to cope with this problem more effectively in the future.

Reprinted with permission from : Tobacco and Your Oral Health Arden G. Christen, DDS, MSD, MA Jennifer A. Klein, RDH, MSA.
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